Executive Corner – The Shift From Boss to Coach

Transitioning from a boss to a coach is a transformative journey that benefits not only you as the leader, but also your whole team. To make this transformation, you need to be willing to shift your mindset, changing everything that you’ve previously learned about being a “boss”, and embrace new approaches. Moving away from a…

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Executive Corner – Going from Peer to Boss

One of the most significant challenges for new leaders is going from peer to boss. Many struggles with the challenge of being liked more than respected. (Jump back to an article I wrote about being “Liked more than Respected”) In this article, I share tips on what each approach leads to. The first point to understand is that…

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Executive Corner – Please – STOP Having Bad Meetings

Most leaders understand that a 1×1 is important.  Why are we so bad at them?  Bad 1×1’s lead to disengaged employees which become turnover and low retention rates.  This in turn is hurting your ability to attract top talent and if you do attract top talent, it hurts your ability keep them. I understand how…

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