Executive Corner – It’s More Than Paperwork –Lackluster Onboarding Could Cost You
Michael Clegg | 10/11/2023
You’ve got 44 days to keep your new hire.
More importantly, you’ve got the first week to impress your newest employee.
According to HR Dive, for 70% of new hires, whether a job is the right fit occurs within the first month, and nearly a third decide within the first week.
Why does this time period play a large role in the hiring process?
The clock starts ticking in the interview process. Many employers do a great job of impressing candidates during that process. The problem begins when the candidate signs the offer letter. Employers that fill the time of signing through Day 1 with engagement are more likely to keep their new-hires.
Anita Grantham, Head of HR at BambooHR, emphasizes that recruiting top talent extends beyond the inked offer letter. It’s about creating an environment that fosters confidence and aligns with the company’s mission and values.
This sheds light on the importance of a robust onboarding process.
But what exactly defines a successful onboarding experience?
Onboarding is more than paperwork and introductions; it’s about establishing personal connections and friendships in the workplace.
In creating a positive onboarding experience, personal relationships take precedence over the traditional meet-and-greet with the CEO. Employees want real connections.
Here are some common pain points for new hires:
Addressing these concerns is paramount to ensuring a smooth onboarding and “hiring phase two.” To be fair, technological issues are usually unforeseen and difficult to fix, but the rest of the onboarding process can be designed to impress and retain your new hires
Onboarding needs to extend beyond the perfunctory welcome email and tech checklist. The first 44 days (and really every day beyond that, too) should be continuous advocacy for the company’s mission, values, and the significance of the new hire’s role, coupled with a clear roadmap for growth and success.
A positive onboarding experience can influence whether new hires become advocates for the brand, refer colleagues and friends, and even impact purchasing decisions related to the company’s products and services.
A few methods for better onboarding include
- The buddy system – Pair new hires with experienced employees.
- Comprehensive Onboarding Plan – Develop a detailed onboarding plan that covers the first few weeks or months. Outline the training schedule, introductions to key team members, and exposure to company values and goals.
- Job-specific training – Don’t overwhelm your new hires with information that is too general or irrelevant to their position. Create a job-specific training checklist and make sure to follow
How do you impress your new hires?
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