The Importance of Rules – German vs. American


Written By: Joachim Woerner Are Germans more rules oriented than Americans?  An assessment of German company culture shows that German work culture is often characterized by a high degree of conformity.  Looking at the big picture, German law calls for clear cut rules for all situations.  On the other hand, U.S. legal system focuses on interpretation of precedents.  For Germans things are black or white, while in the U.S. there a lot…

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Employee Tenure: Why Do They Leave? And What Can You Do?

When reviewing candidate resumes, hiring companies often key in on the length of time spent at previous companies and draw negative conclusions if the tenure trends to the run on the short side. So much so, they will absolutely pass on interviewing if they feel the candidate is a “job hopper.” This practice makes sense…

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Stop Overlooking (The Most) Highly Qualified Job Candidates!

I’m talking about the, “more experienced, more seasoned, more mature.” Yes, the over 50 crowd! Age discrimination is not a new issue and it impacts nearly every aspect of life in the United States unfortunately, but in the current job market, it is mind boggling why companies are still refusing to give older Americans a…

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Companies Identify Top Hiring Challenges

Continuing the conversation around the “Crisis for Talent,” a recent staffing industry survey of nearly 3,000 senior hiring managers identified the top 5 hiring challenges that companies are currently facing in the US (and very likely abroad).  Companies continue to add more new jobs yet find themselves struggling to fill the roles.  The well-established candidate-driven…

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2018 Year-end Recruiting and Hiring Update

As we enter the last 6 – 8 weeks of 2018, we see a somewhat unusual trend for this time of year. Historically, companies are winding down recruiting efforts by this time due to a number of factors, such as finishing up before the holidays roll around. By late November, hiring managers and HR departments…

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Wunderbar together

Wir laden Sie ein, im Rahmen des Deutschlandjahres die Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft mit uns zu feiern – mit Dialog, Erfahrung und Austausch. Wir glauben an die Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft. Unsere Länder verbinden enge geschichtliche Bande, gemeinsame Werte und Visionen für die Zukunft. Gemeinsam werden wir die enge Verbindung unserer beider Länder sichtbar machen, die auf unserem gemeinsamen…

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Major Reason Companies Lose Good Job Candidates: Taking too Long!

This fact cannot be stressed enough; when the interview and hiring process drags on and on, top talent will give up and move on to other opportunities.  A candidate-driven market naturally places candidates in the driver’s seat, thus shifting power away from the hiring company.  This is especially true when it comes to those hard…

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Kann uns die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018 etwas über unsere Teams lehren?

Wochen sind vergangen, die Fußball WM ist beendet und immer noch wird über dieses großartige Fußballereignis gesprochen. Weder das frühe Aussteigen der Deutschen Mannschaft ist verdaut, noch dass Belgien nicht im Finale stand. Aber auch tolle Momente, Freistoß in den letzten Sekunden des Spiels Deutschland gegen Schweden und Kroos macht das entscheidende Tor – oh,…

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How to Become Your External Recruiter’s Favorite Client

Let’s face it; no relationship is perfect.  There needs to be compromise, good communication, support and understanding. This stands true even when you think about working with your external recruiting partner.  The Q Works Group has been assisting client companies with recruiting solutions since 2002.  What I have noticed since I’ve worked here is that…

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Mid-Year 2018 Recruiting & Employment Trends and Insight

As we hit the midpoint of Q3, it is a good time to reiterate some key recruiting trends to keep an eye on as the labor market and economy continue to flourish. If you partner with an external recruiting firm, it is important to make sure they have a finger on the pulse of what…

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